Shell Game at Surigao:
The entangled fates of battleships FUSO and YAMASHIRO
(revised 8/1/2016)
Musashi (revised
Nagato (revised
(revised 11/1/2017)
(revised 5/4/2016)
Hiei (revised 5/1/2017)
(revised 7/1/2016)
Haruna (revised
Bob Hackett is a military historian and researcher. Retired from the United States Air Force and later from the aerospace industry, he resides in the United States. In collaboration with Mr. Kingsepp, he prepared the TROMs for the IJN's battleships, cruisers, submarines and other IJN warships presented on this and other pages on this website.
Sander Kingsepp, a native of Estonia, is also a military historian and researcher. He is an editor of a construction magazine. A talented linguist, Sander's translations of Japanese source materials have added immeasurably to these TROMs. Lars Ahlberg is retired from the Swedish Air Defence Regiment. He resides in Halmstad, Sweden and is a military historian by avocation. He has written monographs about NAGATO, MUTSU and carrier TAIHヤ. Questions to the authors concerning these TROMs should be posted on the Discussion and Questions board.